To integrate the power spectrum over a frequency range see note 7. If a different load was used in the simulation, its value can be specified as a second argument to the dBm function, for example, dBm(VRF, 75) where VRF is the instance name of the SpectrumAnalyzer component and 75 ohms is the resistive load used. Note that the dBm function assumes a 50-ohm resistive load. However, you can calculate and display the power spectrum as well as the magnitude and phase spectrum by using the dBm, mag, and phase functions of the Data Display window. The component does not output the power at the frequencies of the spectral tones. The component outputs the complex amplitude voltage values at the frequencies of the spectral tones.Information regarding time domain signal differences between ADS Ptolemy simulations and Circuit Envelope and Transient simulations is given in the Timed Synchronous Dataflow section of the ADS Ptolemy Simulation documentation. † TStep is the simulation time step for the component input signal. Number of overlapping points between two adjacent segments Number of points to be used in a segment NPoints=0 results in one segment of (Stop-Start)/TStep+1 points and Overlap is ignored Number of frequencies uniformly spaced from FStart to FSTop NumFreqs=0 results in default frequency resolution Spectrum normalization bias type to correct for effects of windowing and/or averaging: no bias, power

Calculating voltage bias with gaussian software windows#
Window constant used for windows of type Hamming, Hanning, Gaussian, Kaiser, 8510 Window with default constant applied to collected data (default constant is used when WindowConstant is 0.0): none, Hamming 0.54, Hanning 0.50, Gaussian 0.75, Kaiser 7.865, _8510 6.0, Blackman, Blackman-Harris DefaultTimeStop will inherit from the DF Controller. DefaultTimeStart will inherit from the DF Controller.

DefaultRTemp will inherit from the DF controller. Resistor physical temperature, in degrees C. DefaultRLoad will inherit from the DF controller. If simulation is setup to open data display after simulation and if Plot is not set to 'None', then plot the data for this sink: None, Rectangular